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    During my Bachelors I am exposed to various software tools such as Keil microvision, ModelSim and Quartus II from Altera and Matlab. After joining RBEI I become proficient in Linux operating system, Linux Test Project [LTP], Versioning tool such as Git, gdb, Eclipse, Sourcery Codebench, lint and also towards Xcode in which iOS apps are developed.


    At NTU, I got introduced to tools from Xilinx such as Xilinx Platform Studio[XPS], Vivado High Level Synthesis[HLS], ISE, Uppaal Modelling tool, Android development tool which made me to understand the development of applications related to Android.


    Right from School till Masters, MicroSoft office tools have been extensively used and also I got introduced to Latex tool KILE(in Linux) for creating presentations.

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